Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I am He as You are He as You are Me and We are All Together!

Good Afternoon,

Summer is officially here, but I can't tell.  Can you?

My name is Kael Silcox.  This is my next to, next to last semester of school and I will have my third college degree.  The first two were in Industrial Electrical Technology and Electronics Technology which I earned from South Georgia Technical School.

I've worked in hardware retail for most of my life.  The other part I spent eating "corn-flakes" waiting for the van to come pick me up.  Anyway, I decided to pursue a four year degree in business merely as an insurance policy in lieu of the inevitable.  Now that I can see the end of this four year arrangement I have come to realize that there are just a handful of things that will remain constant in the future.  Which have me thinking.......

1.) Taxes (not the same song).  I will file and I will pay reluctantly year in year out.  I'm not pursuing an accounting degree because I can't sit behind a desk everyday, allow my face to grow long, nor have I ever yearned to wear a corporation's tee-shirt.

2.) Health Care.  People are going to get sick and endure ailments of all sorts.  It is not in my genetic make-up to facilitate rehabilitation for these people.  My hat is off to the nurse Lucys who maintain the ability and patience to see these people fly in the sky to a better place.

3.) Technology.  The evolution of technology is a perpetual beast.  In today's standards you either keep up or remain an ape and lack the necessary skills to communicate with the world around you.  With a technical background in electronics as well as a four year business degree I have my sights set, like a pig from a gun, to be a technological walrus.

Goo goo g'joob,

The Walrus!

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